When is the Best Time to Start Chiropractic Care? Now.
The sooner you start chiropractic care, the more resilient your brain and body become to adapting to life stress with age.
Chiropractic for Healthier Mom & Baby
The first 1000 days from fetal development through the first two years postnatal are considered the “critical window” of neurodevelopment.
Why Chiropractic is Vital for Neurodevelopment
The first 1000 days (fetal development through the first two years postnatal) are considered the “critical window” of neurodevelopment. Toxic insults during the “critical window” period will affect the physical and mental health of a child for life.
My Choice: Home Birth & Adjustment of Baby on Day 1
Understanding how mainstream medicine approaches pregnancy and birth, I wanted to create boundaries around the language and approach used in creating an optimal environment throughout my pregnancy and delivery.
My (alternative) Approach to Pregnancy
Dr. Miaken takes a close look at the traditional American health-care system, its options & interventions and presents what can change when we look through a different lens to build health and vitality for ourselves and our families.