Core Bracing

My challenge to you:

Move … throughout your day, frequently, regularly, intentionally, whenever you think of it – MOVE! By introducing specific movements to your structure and spine, you counteract the physical stress induced by gravity, chronic faulty posture, imbalance and malalignment, musculoskeletal restriction and poor flexibility.

Core Bracing

This month’s movement goal is to create core stability by reducing anterior (forward) pelvic tilt. A presentation of an anterior pelvic tilt indicates increased stress to a lumbar spine and pelvis that contributes to low back pain, postural distortions, and abnormal biomechanics. Core bracing is considered a foundational spinal hygiene movement to support proper structure, alignment and neuromuscular firing patterns; and work in conjunction with your chiropractic care.


  1. Lay on your back with knees bent and feet planted on the floor; rest your arms at your sides comfortably.

  2. Place a spacer (yoga block, tennis ball, towel, water bottle, etc.) between your knees, maintaining a low level of resistance to hold in place.

  3. Find a neutral pelvis by rocking your pelvis back and forth with the goal of finding a posterior pelvic tilt by pressing your low back into the ground.

  4. Contract your abdominal muscles by pulling your belly button toward the front of your spine (while pressing your low back into the ground.) Hold.

  5. Next, squeeze your spacer, contracting your adductors.

  6. Then squeeze your glutes while contracting both your adductors and abdominal muscles.

  7. To start, go in sequence to feel the contraction of each stabilizing muscle. The goal: to fire all muscles simultaneously.

  8. Breathe. Perform 15 repetitions with GOOD FORM. If you break form or can’t contract your abdominals with other musculature, you’re likely losing the posterior tilt.


YWTL Thoracic Exercise


Cervical Lateral Flexion